امروز سه شنبه 1403/08/01 :: تعداد کل بازدید 645750 مرتبه :: کاربران انلاین 28 نفر

Patient entrance instructions



  • You should know about your case history and your family's case history and take the information to attending physician team.
  • Answer the questions completely and accurately, because this information helps the doctor so much during the treatment.
  • Talk to your doctor about your concern related to your treatment.
  • Ask your doctor about process of treatment and later pursuit.
  • The arrangement of serum is nurse's duty, don't increase or decrease drops of serum because the serum might      be arranged for a special time. Don't worry when serum is finished. There is no danger for patient in this case.
  • To prevent a blood clot do light hands and feet exercises according to doctor's decision.
  • To prevent a bedsore change your place on the bed by nurse's help and according to doctor's decision.
  • When you face any fever, blood running, pain or unusual signs, report to the nurse.
  •  Avoid sitting on the patient's bed or touching medical equipment.
  • Changing the bandage is doctor or nurse's duty, please avoid changing the bandage.
  • Pay attention to patient's diet and avoid feeding the patient without nurse or doctor's decision.
  • If have been on a special diet before, report to the nurse immediately after entrance into the IPD unit.
  • Listen to educations about nursing carefully, and memorize. ( If you have any problem in memorizing) ask your comrade to help you.
  • Put the homelike trash like cans and disposable dishes and the same materials in the blue trash cans.
  • Put the infectious trash (bloody cotton, bandage and …) in the yellow trash cans.
  • Avoid smoking during the hospitalization.
  • Wash your face and hands before and after eating food or going to the restroom.


MIR hospital,IPD 

کپی رایت@2017 تمام حقوق مادی و معنوی این سایت متعلق به گروه برنامه نویسی آیسیز میباشد